Performance Coaching. Leadership Development. Life Coaching.
Unlock Your Full Potential.
Questions that get to the core of Carpe Diem Group
We help individuals, employees and leaders achieve more.
Carpe Diem Group consults with organizations and individuals to improve employee & leadership performance and inspire personal insight ultimately leading to meaningful, positive change. Carpe Diem Group brings a whole-person perspective to the work of assisting people to perform at their highest level. This translates to developing the mental and emotional capacities while also learning how to better practice self-care.
“Picture a large oak tree. Notice that it has three parts: lush foliage, a sturdy trunk, and thick roots. These represent essential facets of leadership… People have been preoccupied with the wrong part of the tree. The problem is that too much attention is being paid to all the showy stuff aboveground. What’s below the surface, those nourishing roots, has been largely ignored...Well-developed roots are important to a leader for the same reason they are essential to the tree. They support and nourish what you see—the stately trunk and the beautiful branches.”
—Bob Rosen, Grounded: How Leaders Stay Rooted in an Uncertain World
So much in life is focused on what we see before us. In a tree we appreciate the leaves, the branches and the trunk, giving scant attention to what lies below the surface. The roots are what drives the growth and health of what is above ground. Coaching and leadership development, to be effective and sustainable, must begin with the roots of a person: their values, their beliefs, their character.
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